Pleasant Village was the very first neighbourhood I ever made. I was so proud of it, but not everybody could run it because of version conflicts,
Neighbourhood number conflicts, etc. So now I'm doing it all again, only slightly different. For one thing this Neighbourhood will be downloadable in parts
like the Sims 1 Neighbourhood, so that you can create it at your end without having to worry about Neighbourhood number conflicts.
For another the original Pleasant Village concept was to resurrect (where possible and recreate where not) all the 'original' Pleasant View Sims (ie the first in each
family tree). In Pleasant Village Mark II these recreated Sims will be toddlers ready for you to move into an orphanage run by devotees of a fictional
Catholic Saint - St Vidican de Cathode - people who have read Christopher Stascheff's Warlock Series might recognise the name, everybody else will have to
be satisfied with my assurances that he was the embodyment of using knowledge and determination to get what 'had to be done', done in spite of Murphy's Law.
The staff included are Father Joseph Swingler, Mother Augustine Baines, Sister Mary Rodier and her teenaged sister Sister Magdalene Rodier.
Of course I couldn't be satisfied with such a minor alteration. In the original Pleasant Village I had alien maids (which didn't work last time and can't even be tried
this because of the sharing method) and adult nannies (rather than elder, and not possible here for the same reason). This time (and last) I made a few modifications to
the family trees. To bind them together at the top as well as the bottom. In the family tree I'm posting here you will see my modifications in red (just click on the
picture to see an expandable version or right click to download it for easier viewing).
So, you ask yourself, when is she going to stop blathering about what she wanted to do and
couldn't, and other uninteresting things, and tell us how to download the damned toddlers? I answer, well,
soon, but please continue to pay attention to the uninteresting stuff as you may need to know some of it.
Firstly, this neighbourhood is created in the base game (thanks to Numenor's
BaseGameStarter) and all third party content
I have used will be listed and links given so that you can go and download it if you want.
Secondly (if you are using a Pets version game) you may wish to add the following lines to your userStartup.cheat
in order to increase the number of Sims that can be added to a household via dumping them on top of an existing
household :-
uintProp maxTotalSims 40
uintProp maxTotalHumans 40
uintProp maxTotalPets 27
It isn't necessary, but it can be useful even if you never want to actually run a household with that many Sims in it
(I know I don't).
Thirdly these toddlers have been created to be as close as possible to the 'original' Pleasant View Sims. They have had
their genetics alterred so that they even carry the same markers for facial inheritence to their children, but there is
no guarantee that you will get identical next generations.
Fourthly, yes, I know that a lot of these toddlers are bald. They are bald by design. Bald is the corresponding toddler
hair for many adult hairs. If you leave their hair and other appearance factors alone (except for the Simovitch and Al
Mahmoud families which were created a little differently. Their hair probably won't be 'correct') they should grow up
looking the way I intended. Glasses should even appear on those Sims designed to wear them as they enter agegroups that
can wear the appropriate glasses.
Fifthly the before and after pictures are not entirely colour accurate. The pictures were taken before I knew how to extract
correct DNA for the Sims using SimPE. For an example Benjamin Burb is shown with black hair when he is actually a blonde.
Corrections have been made to the Sim DNA but I'm too lazy to go back through and recapture images for every Sim.
Pleasant View Sim Picture
Recreated Sim Picture (as Adult)
Download Toddler/s
included in Fatima Al Mahmoud download
included in Isabella Simovitch download
- If you don't already have a terrain to build this neighbourhood in I suggest this terrain (which is the tree-denuded version of the Elfstone Designs Sims 1 Neighbourhood that I use for my Sims 1 Neighbourhood)
If you are going to use my pre-made orphanage to raise the toddlers in you can download the orphanage itself here, but it also requires the files below to display itself properly;
Download the toddlers from above (they are alone on small lots with only the tombstone of their dead parent to keep them company) and note the method listed below for the best way to add them to existing families. Note that the pictures of the adult and elder versions of the toddlers list their aspiration and star sign. You may wish you save a picture for each toddler or make a list if you are planning to have them use their 'original' aspirations.
Place the lots into the Neighbourhood you plan to use.
Enter each lot (in turn), they should be paused, and place the gravestone into the inventory (if you have a game version that has inventory) of the toddler. Unpause the game to allow the toddler to reset, then repause and exit (remembering to save the lot).
If you have a game version that allows families to be combined from the Neighbourhood screen use the move family tool (NOT move lot to lot bin) to move the toddler out of the lot.
If your game version allows it, move the toddler into the 'adopting' family's home. It is alternatively possible to use ingame cheats or teleporter objects to move the toddler into the desired family, but I really do recommend the combining option if it is available.
- Alternatively you could play the lot of each toddler until the Social Worker comes to take them away and adopt them into new families. I advise only doing one toddler/family at a time so that you can be sure which toddler will be adopted and creating adopting families of the 'correct' surname (for all the boys at least) to do the adopting.
- I highly recommend that you go and download the Lot Sync Timer and read the post and readme on it's proper use. It will help you get everybody in and coordinated (if you like that sort of thing).
I tentatively offer the following order of installation/play (the numbers are for use with the Lot Sync Timer recommended above.
Day 00 |
Monday |
von Wald |
. |
. |
Day 01 |
Tuesday |
. |
. |
. |
Day 02 |
Wednesday |
Goth |
. |
. |
Day 03 |
Thursday |
Crumplebottom |
. |
. |
Day 04 |
Friday |
. |
. |
. |
Day 05 |
Saturday |
Val Hughs |
. |
. |
Day 06 |
Sunday |
Pleasant |
. |
. |
Day 07 |
Monday |
. |
. |
. |
Day 08 |
Tuesday |
Loose |
Dreamer |
Danders |
Day 09 |
Wednesday |
. |
. |
. |
Day 10 |
Thursday |
. |
. |
. |
Day 11 |
Friday |
Travers |
Caliente |
. |
Day 12 |
Saturday |
. |
. |
. |
Day 13 |
Sunday |
. |
. |
. |
Day 14 |
Monday |
Darong |
Renault |
Harp-Sichord |
Day 15 |
Tuesday |
Ocean |
Burb |
. |
Day 16 |
Wednesday |
Smith |
Marsh |
. |
Day 17 |
Thursday |
Nicholaevna |
. |
. |
Day 18 |
Friday |
Lothario |
. |
. |
Day 19 |
Saturday |
Mia |
Newbie |
. |
Day 20 |
Sunday |
. |
. |
. |
Day 21 |
Monday |
Azine |
Fiorello |
. |
Day 22 |
Tuesday |
Simovitch |
. |
. |
Day 23 |
Wednesday |
. |
. |
. |
Day 24 |
Thursday |
Oldie |
. |
. |
Day 25 |
Friday |
Al Mahmoud |
. |
. |
Day 26 |
Saturday |
. |
. |
. |
Day 27 |
Sunday |
La Douce |
Ruggbyrne |
El Fadil |
Day 28 |
Monday |
. |
. |
. |
Day 29 |
Tuesday |
McClemont |
. |
. |
Day 30 |
Wednesday |
. |
. |
. |
Day 31 |
Thursday |
. |
. |
. |
Day 32 |
Friday |
. |
. |
. |
Day 33 |
Saturday |
. |
. |
. |
Day 34 |
Sunday |
. |
. |
. |
The remaining 6 lots/toddlers (Bachelor, Lyen, Matlapin, Broke, Rence & Trench) I recommend you add to your game as their intended spouces transition to toddlerhood (or your desired number of days before or after). All of which will depend on when those children are born.
Oh, and one last thing this Pollination Technicican mod will give you four possible alien abductors.
- Mrys Th'Ar is a Cat Person alien. For Mrys to work as intended you'll need to download his skin and eyes if you don't already have them. You can do this in either genetic or 'normal' custom form. If you download the genetic form they may not show on the baby (just like with any other geneticised skin or eye) but s/he will carry the cat genes.
- Polination Technician7 is the intended father of Flamenco Caliente (one of Nestor's sons - see family tree picture for more details)
- Polination Tech#9 Clone is a clone of the alien Polination Tech#9 Smith in Strangeville. Obviously his alien overlords extracted a price before they let him run off and play happy families.
- Birth Queen#26 is just another green abductor, but female this time.
This mod will supply the DNA for any alien impregnation method you use (abduction, mod or in-game cheat).
- Enjoy, and please feel free to let me know of any problems in the page or the downloads themselves by going to my main page and emailling me from the link there.
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