Please if you are new here, or not sure of how geneticising works and what it can do for you, read Technical Stuff
And if you think I have these skins in the wrong order please let me know. Go to the my main page and email me how you think they should be.
NPC Available skins (as an alternate to 'plain' genetic skins) have been added to this page.
Please remember that Enayla, Dewshine and my geneticised skins are really all the same skin. Only chose one version.
'Darkness' Value
This is the value that custom skins possess. A skin with a 'darkness' value of 0 will dominate all other skins.
I currently have no 'normal' skins in this 'darkness' range. Furries currently occupy 0.01 in an effort to keep the skins from unexpectedly turning up in 'normal' births.